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Find out what treatments will work on your pet's cancer

The Paws Cancer Lab Anti-Cancer Array uses tissue - including live tumor cells from needle biopsies - to inform vets and owners on tumor response to a large and growing list of medications and therapies.

Includes combination therapy response measurement

Paws Cancer Lab's Anti-Cancer Array is the first platform that looks at combinations of drugs on live 3D tumors - not just 2D tumor samples - providing actionable information for vets to find the most responsive treatment.

Guaranteed Results, or your money back

Our Anti-Cancer Array is guaranteed to provide results, or your money back.

Contact us, or ask your vet about using the Paws Cancer Lab Anti-Cancer Array today!

How it Works

Order the test, receive a kit, and we will coordinate collection with you and your care team.

Your cancer care team collects pet tumor tissue and sends the sample to our lab

Our lab grows your tumor cells for one week, testing hundreds of treatments and combinations

We analyze treatment results and send a response report back to you and your care team

Our team is available to help you and your cancer care team understand the test and collect tumor cells.

You'll receive a ranked report of treatments showing treatment effects on tumor cells. 
Yorkshire Terrier at the Vet

Contact Us

Want to know more about our breakthrough cancer medication test for pets?  Fill out the following form and we will reach out to you as soon as we can.

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Works with needle biopsies and solid tumor tissue

Works with blood tumor cells

Works with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)


Stay connected to find the most responsive treatment combination for pets with cancer

Submit your email to stay updated with our progress and our mission to give vets their best tools to beat cancer.

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